Author: Nick A.

Design, Development

Building a Tactics Game Influenced by Miniature Games: Pirate Oath

I built a prototype of a tactics game within the past few months. I wanted to see what I could accomplish and learn about Unity while developing a tactics game that emulates the mechanics of tabletop games. It’s a little buggy due to limited time, but the basic gameplay is functional. If you’d like to …


Psychographic Profiling Miniature Game Players

Magic the Gathering has a system and established vocabulary for the types of players it designs towards to sell their game. To simplify psychographic profiling, it’s basically why the player is interested in their game and what motivates them. Every gaming company does this (or should if they don’t) but the lead magic designer, Mark …


Balancing Malifaux 3rd Edition post Gaining Grounds 1

The game is in a reasonable place but not perfect after the release of GG1. I have played around 400 games since 3rd edition came out and have played in multiple tournaments, leagues, and international leagues. There are certain problems with the game I have noticed over time with particular crews and mechanics. I will …


Improving Magic the Gathering’s Resource System

I remember some of the first games of Magic the Gathering I played in middle school outside on the bare and hot cement with some friends. Later on dirty lunch tables in highschool and finally years playing in competitive events with carefully sleeved cards. What hasn’t really changed is the game itself. Sure there’s some …