Perilous Peaks for Pixelakes

Perilous Peaks is an endless runner where the player tries to get as far as they can while collecting gems along the way. Gems unlock more characters with exciting special abilities that help the player avoid danger.

You can find an Android dev build here:
Pirate Oath (Prototype)

Pirate Oath is a tactics game that is about stealing treasure and fighting with other pirate crews.
This prototype was solo built within a 3 month span during Covid. I wanted to see what I could accomplish and learn about Unity while developing a tactics game that emulates the mechanics of tabletop games.
Core Concepts :
- The player controls 10 units
- Victory is not just eliminating all enemy models but also stealing treasure and doing map objectives
- Alternating Activations – players can freely choose which unit to activate, and once finished, the opponent then activates a unit. Players take turns back and forth until all units have activated, then a new round starts
- VS Dice Combat– combat uses 20 sided dice to determine the outcome, influenced by unit stats. Units attacking each other roll against the opponent’s dice. Success comes from rolling under your stat but over your opponent’s successful die.
- Unit Classes – units are specialized towards certain aspects of the game, for example the pickpocket is fast and excels at stealing treasure while the Ronin is a powerful and slow armored unit with high combat stats
- Powerful Spells– Captains take an Oath that gives them access to abilities only available to captains. Throw lightning and summon undead to defeat your enemies.
Unity Lego Microgame Contest Entry
The goal was to build a microgame with the provided lego tools; I decided to treat it like a game jam and built a game within the span of a weekend. This is what I came up with.

Onitama Example Project

I’ve always liked the game Onitama and wanted to continue practicing implementing games, including games in a WebGL setting. Here’s version 1 of an example project. I intend to keep updating with more features over time such as multiplayer, better AI, and actual graphics.
You can play it online here:
All of the code used can be found here:
Frostgrave Warband Android App
Free to use assistant app for the tabletop wargame Frostgrave. Built in Unity.